It has come to concern that the data showed by the NDIS royal commission registrar, since the start of the pandemic COVID-19 situation 8 NDIS participants and one health care have died from the infection. Till Friday, it has been reported that 116 active cases are related to the scheme in the Victoria state alone. The commissioner emphasised on the appropriate and reasonable investigation on the matter as well as main serious concern about the infection control since the people with disabilities are more vulnerable to the virus than other general people.
There are some concerns about cancellation of the in-home care service by the NDIS care provider because of tested positive case. Thus, MCT always takes our participants in first priorities. We strongly advocate on the human right of access to health care anytime despite of their any health issue or situation. The discrimination on participle is highly intolerable. Thus, MCT has emphasis on providing all our employee and care provider on daily update of in-service education and guidelines such as infection prevention and PPE safety guidelines, safety in the workplace, reportable incidence, abuse and discrimination guidelines ETC through the email and websites.
On Friday the disability commission is coming in frontline in Sydney this coming week to acknowledge the examination on how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted in Australia’ disability community and care. Since there are 400,000 NDIS participants and around 4.4 million people identifies themselves as under disability categories in Australia. The commissioners spoke on the death toll in United Kingdom’s National Statistics report in July more than 22,000 disabled people mortality making up to two third of all deaths between 2nd March to 15th May. The state in Australia can’t be unenviable in further coming days.
The commissioners highlighted that the care workers working in the multiple disability group homes and the age care sector have high chance of spreading virus in the disability communities. the federal and state authorities need to focus on the minimisation in the movement of workers in different sector and proper PPE training in care workers. The lock down is the perfect situation for spread of infection because the carers will be working across multiple group home as most of the participant resides in their home due to lockdown. The research on disability care survey found the disability support workers were not recognised as an essential workforce like health care and age care workforce and they are not prioritised for testing in same time.
MCT has acknowledge on the minimization in the movement of different sector in this difficult situation and will continue to provide care as usual but in more standard way with proper supply of PPE and essential equipment, training to the employee and the participants as required. We MCT will not compromise on the health care issue, if any queries the help line is always available 24/7 for help.
Till the next update stay safe and healthy. Maintain social distancing and gathering, wear mask, frequent hand washing and use of proper PPE with proper guideline is essential. We can surely defeat COVID-19 if continue to flow the rules and guideline. Let’s speak in same voice we are responsible citizen/ people living in Australia to make the difference for future.