Supported Independent Living

Empowering Individuals With Disabilities: The Role Of Supported Independent Living

Supported Independent Living (SIL) is a crucial and empowering approach to help individuals with disabilities or those in need of extra help due to various life circumstances. It emphasises promoting autonomy, self-determination, and community inclusion, allowing individuals to lead fulfilling lives in their own homes or community-based settings.

This article explores the essence of Supported Independent Living, the process of accessing SIL funding, and its suitability for different individuals.

What Is Supported Independent Living?

Supported Independent Living, often abbreviated as SIL, is a disability support model designed to enable people to live as independently as possible. It caters to individuals with physical disabilities, intellectual or developmental disabilities, mental health challenges, or those transitioning out of foster care or other institutional settings.

The core objective of SIL is to provide personalised support services that address an individual’s unique needs while promoting their self-sufficiency and inclusion within the community.

Key Components Of Supported Independent Living:

a) Individualised Support:

SIL is tailored to meet the specific requirements of each participant. Careful assessments are conducted to identify areas where assistance is needed, such as personal care, household tasks, transportation, and accessing community resources.

b) Empowerment:

SIL prioritises empowering participants to make their own choices and decisions. Instead of offering a one-size-fits-all approach, support workers collaborate with the individual to identify their goals and aspirations, helping them work towards achieving greater independence.

c) Community Inclusion:

SIL encourages active participation in community life, promoting social interaction and developing a sense of belonging. Participants are assisted in accessing recreational activities, education, employment opportunities, and other community resources.

d) Flexibility:

SIL offers varying degrees of support, depending on the individual’s needs and capabilities. The level of assistance can be adjusted over time as the participant gains more skills and confidence.

Where Will One Live?

Supported Independent Living is flexible concerning the living arrangements. The main goal is to help individuals reside in the least restrictive environment possible while ensuring their safety and well-being. Several options are available for SIL participants:

a) Private Residences:

Many SIL participants choose to live in their own apartments or homes, which can be located within the community or close to family and friends. In such cases, support workers visit regularly to provide the necessary assistance.

b) Shared Living Arrangements:

Some individuals opt for shared living arrangements where they live with a roommate or in a group home setting. This option fosters social interaction and shared responsibilities, enhancing community integration.

c) Supported Housing:

Supported housing refers to specialised housing units designed to accommodate individuals with disabilities or specific needs. These residences may have accessibility features and on-site support staff available to assist residents when required.

d) Transitional Housing:

For those transitioning from institutional settings, such as foster care or rehabilitation centres, transitional housing can be an intermediate step before moving to more independent living arrangements.

How To Apply For SIL Funding?

The process of applying for SIL funding can vary depending on the country or region, as different jurisdictions have their own disability support systems. However, certain general steps are typically involved:

a) Needs Assessment:

The first step is to undergo a comprehensive needs assessment conducted by a qualified professional, such as a social worker or a case manager. This assessment evaluates the individual’s functional limitations, support requirements, and goals for independent living.

b) Creating a Support Plan:

Based on the assessment, a personalised support plan is developed. The plan outlines the specific services and supports needed to help the individual achieve their goals and lead an independent life.

c) Funding Application:

Once the support plan is created, the individual or their designated advocate can apply for SIL funding through the relevant government agency or disability support organisation. This application usually includes submitting the support plan and other required documentation.

d) Approval and Allocation:

The funding application will be reviewed, and if approved, the individual will be allocated a budget for their SIL services. The allocated funds can be used to engage support workers or service providers who can assist with various tasks as outlined in the support plan.

Is Supported Independent Living Right For You?

Determining whether Supported Independent Living is the appropriate option depends on individual circumstances, preferences, and support needs. Here are some key factors to consider:

a) Level of Independence:

SIL is best suited for individuals who have the desire and capacity to live more independently but require some level of support to achieve their goals.

b) Community Engagement:

Those seeking to be actively involved in their community and participate in various social activities can benefit significantly from SIL’s focus on community inclusion.

c) Support Network:

Individuals with a reliable support network of family and friends may find SIL to be more manageable, as they can complement the assistance provided by support workers.

d) Personal Goals:

SIL is ideal for individuals with specific personal goals related to independent living, such as maintaining their own residence, managing finances, or pursuing education or employment opportunities.

e) Willingness to Collaborate:

Successful SIL experiences often require a willingness to collaborate with support workers, participate in goal setting, and be open to learning new skills.

Features Of MCT Care Supported Independent Living Services

MCT Care is a leading provider of SIL services, committed to empowering people with disabilities to achieve their goals and enhance their overall quality of life.

Person-centred Approach

At MCT Care, the core philosophy revolves around a person-centred approach. This means that the individual receiving SIL services is actively involved in the decision-making process regarding their care and support. Our team works closely with each participant to understand their unique needs, preferences, and aspirations. By putting the person at the centre of their care plan, we ensure that the support provided is tailored to meet their specific requirements, promoting a sense of autonomy and dignity.

24/7 Support from Trained Staff

MCT Care offers round-the-clock support through a team of trained and friendly staff. This ensures that participants have access to assistance whenever they need it, creating a safe and secure living environment. Our staff members are not only well-equipped to handle various tasks related to daily living but also trained to provide emotional support and encouragement, fostering a sense of belonging and community.

Promoting Independent Living Skills

The primary objective of SIL is to enable individuals to develop and enhance their independent living skills. MCT Care recognises the importance of this aspect and places a strong emphasis on offering daily skills training. From cooking, cleaning, and laundry to learning to catch public transport independently, participants are empowered to build their capabilities and self-reliance. As they become more proficient in these skills, their confidence and sense of accomplishment grow, leading to greater independence.

Personal Care Assistance

MCT Care ensures that participants receive personalised care, including assistance with personal grooming, showering, and dressing. Our dedicated staff members are trained to provide support with sensitivity and respect, recognising the importance of maintaining the dignity and privacy of everyone.

In addition to personal grooming, showering, and dressing, MCT Care’s ‘personal care assistance’ goes above and beyond to cater to the unique needs and preferences of each individual. Our compassionate and well-trained staff members are skilled in providing support for various activities of daily living, such as mobility assistance, toileting, and hygiene maintenance.

For individuals with specific medical conditions or mobility challenges, our staff members are equipped to provide specialised care, including wound dressing, catheter care, and assistance with medical devices. We understand the importance of maintaining a hygienic and comfortable living environment, and our team takes great care in ensuring that the personal care needs of each participant are met with the utmost attention and sensitivity.

Medication Assistance

Managing medications can be challenging for individuals with disabilities. Our SIL services include medication assistance, ensuring that participants take their prescribed medicines on time and in the correct dosage. This feature helps prevent any complications related to medication mismanagement, promoting better health outcomes.

MCT Care’s medication assistance services are carried out by trained professionals who follow strict protocols and guidelines to ensure the safe and accurate administration of medications. They are well-versed in different medication types, including oral medications, topical treatments, and injections, and are skilled in managing medication schedules for participants with complex medical conditions or multiple prescriptions.

Financial And Budgeting Support

Navigating financial matters can be overwhelming for some individuals with disabilities. MCT Care provides support in finance and budgeting, helping participants manage their finances efficiently and make informed decisions. This assistance can significantly reduce stress and anxiety related to financial matters, empowering participants to take control of their financial well-being.

At MCT Care, our financial and budgeting support services are tailored to meet the unique needs and circumstances of each participant. We understand that managing finances can be particularly challenging for individuals with disabilities, and our goal is to provide them with the tools and knowledge they need to navigate financial matters confidently.

Our experienced and compassionate support staff work closely with participants to create personalised budgeting plans that align with their specific goals and priorities. This includes helping them understand their income sources, expenses, and any available government assistance or benefits they may be eligible for under the NDIS. By gaining a clear understanding of their financial situation, participants can make informed decisions about how to allocate their funds effectively.

Community Participation

Social inclusion and community engagement are vital for enhancing the overall well-being of individuals with disabilities. MCT Care encourages and supports community participation, helping participants to explore and engage in social activities, events, and groups of interest. This not only fosters a sense of belonging but also opens up opportunities for skill development and building meaningful connections.

Hospital Escorting And Assistance

During medical emergencies or hospital visits, participants may require extra support. MCT Care offers hospital escorting and assistance, ensuring that participants receive the necessary care and support during their hospital stays. This feature provides peace of mind to both participants and their families, knowing that they have dedicated support during challenging times.

Furthermore, MCT Care’s hospital escorting and assistance service is not limited to the duration of the hospital stay itself. We understand that the transition back to the home environment after a hospital visit can also be challenging, especially for individuals with disabilities who may require additional care and support during their recovery.

As participants return home, our support staff continue to provide personalised assistance, ensuring they follow any prescribed medical regimens, adhere to post-hospitalisation instructions, and attend follow-up appointments. This continuity of care helps prevent any potential setbacks and facilitates a smooth recovery process.


Supported Independent Living plays a pivotal role in empowering individuals with disabilities and those in vulnerable situations to lead fulfilling lives in their chosen communities. By emphasising individualised support, community inclusion, and self-determination, SIL helps break down barriers and promotes the rights and dignity of all its participants.

While the process of applying for SIL funding may vary across different regions, the fundamental principles of SIL remain steadfast: to enable autonomy, foster inclusivity, and enhance the overall quality of life for those it serves. If you or someone you know is considering Supported Independent Living, it is essential to undertake a thorough assessment and explore the various living arrangements available to determine the best fit for long-term success and independence.

For those seeking MCT Care’s assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our conveniently located branches in Blacktown, Darwin, Hobart, Canberra, Sydney, Brisbane, and Toowoomba.